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Vice President for Student and Academic Affairs
电子邮件: 杰克.辛顿-


澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载 学生的成功 page title graphic.


College is a challenge; like with most challenges, there will be times when things get difficult or complicated, times when you feel like giving up, 有时候,一切似乎都不像你期望的那样. So, when times do get difficult or complicated, when life happens and puts obstacles in the way, 当你觉得大学不是你想要的, 我们是来帮忙的. 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载和学生支持和保留办公室致力于您作为学生的成功, 我们提供各种资源和项目来帮助你克服挑战,实现你的目标.

If you are experiencing difficulty adjusting to college life, attending or completing classes, or just need a little guidance and support, please contact us (see information above.你作为学生的目标是获得学位还是证书, 修完核心学分后可转至其他高等院校, improve skills for employment or personal growth, or if you are returning to college, we look forward to helping you reach your goals!

Student Support Services (列表)

学生辅导: 个性化辅导,帮助学生达到学业目标. 受信任的, 经验丰富的学生支持专业人员可以帮助你度过你的大学生活,帮助你成功.

学生的成功 Workshops: 我们提供了几个研讨会,让学生获得专家的建议和信息,以建立在大学取得成功所必需的技能. Topics include study skills and tips, 时间管理, test taking strategies, 考试焦虑, 学习风格, 期末周生存, 和更多的. 研讨会的视频片段可在网上下载,可随时点击此处观看:

资源介绍: 通过澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载和您所在社区提供的服务的信息和指导. 我们可以指导你获得适当的服务,从入学帮助和经济援助到心理健康咨询和社区资源.

Students pose graphic.10 Keys to Success in College

  1. Show up and participate. 逃课和不积极学习是学生在大学表现不佳的首要原因. Whether you are enrolled in live, IAV, 或者在线课程, participation is vital to learning and course completion.
  2. Have your work done and be prepared for class. Students who are aware of deadlines, fully complete their assignments, 并且在上课时就准备好学习的学生会比那些不为自己的教育负责的学生更成功.
  3. Understand why you are in college. 自我激励和理解大学目标的重要性是在大学取得成功的关键因素.
  4. 了解并利用澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载提供的服务. 这些服务(学生通过他们的学费/费用支付)可以提供学习技巧和辅导帮助, academic and career advisement, 和咨询, 举几个例子. (See links on left side bar)
  5. Get involved and be connected. Not only are college activities fun, but they build communities, help students meet new people, 研究表明,这些活动增加了学生成功的可能性. If you can’t participate in campus activities, build relationships with your peers in class, 甚至在网上, 与其他同学保持联系,分享大学经历.
  6. 在校园里找到并认识一个关心你生存的人. 这可能是支持和保留办公室的人,指导员或学术顾问.
  7. Take your health seriously. 健康饮食, 有规律的锻炼, 充足的睡眠都有助于良好的身心健康, 反过来也会帮助学生在大学期间取得成功.
  8. Assess and improve your study habits. Everyone learns and studies differently; students should find ways to study that will best fit them and be continuously looking for ways to improve these study skills.
  9. See your instructors outside class. 老师们知道如何在他们所教的课上取得成功,所以要充分利用这一点. 每位教师都有办公时间,学生可以就所教授的材料提出问题, 分配给, 接下来的测试.
  10. Manage your time away from your classes well. 对一些学生来说, 大学是他们第一次离开家,第一次承担起照顾自己的责任. 对于其他学生, 平衡大学以外的生活与家庭和职业责任是一个挑战. Managing academic freedom, taking personal responsibility, 在学术和课外生活之间找到必要的平衡, 把教育放在首位是大学成功的第一步.

For More 信息 Contact

Vice President for Student and Academic Affairs
电子邮件: 杰克.辛顿


Why 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载

澳门新甫京娱乐游戏下载, "The Gold Standard in the Silver State", 提供副学士和学士学位水平的学术教育, career and technical fields. 欢迎超过4人,000 students annually from all corners of the country, both online and at our various campuses and centers, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载的业务横跨两个时区,覆盖超过86个国家,000 square miles throughout Nevada. A leader in rural higher education, 澳门新甫京娱乐游戏在线下载为培养能够满足行业需求并为当地经济的成功和繁荣做出贡献的学生而感到自豪.

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